504 Grievance Procedure | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台Springfield College Logo

504 Grievance Procedure


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十大赌博靠谱信誉网站(“学院”)已采用此申诉程序,以协助解决违反1973年康复法案第504条(“第504条”)的残疾歧视投诉。. The College has designated Erin Leeper, Director, Non-discrimination Initiatives/Title IX Administrator & 504 Coordinator, to coordinate its efforts to comply with Section 504. 学院的504协调员(“协调员”)有责任:(1)防止对学生的歧视, employees, and others on the basis of disability; and (2) ensure compliance with all procedures and procedural safeguards required under Section 504/ADA.

The contact information for the Coordinator is as follows:

Erin Leeper, Director
Non-discrimination Initiatives/Title IX Administrator and 504 Coordinator
Flynn Campus Union
263 Alden Street, Springfield, MA 01109-3797

学院努力提供及时和公平的解决投诉,指控有关联邦禁止的行为, state, and local disability anti-discriminatory laws. This Procedure applies to discrimination on the basis of disability including: disagreement with the decisions made about accommodations; physical inaccessibility of a College program or activity; disability harassment; or any other form of discrimination on the basis of a disability or perception of a disability. 

有关于无障碍或残疾文件查询的学生应联系残疾 & Accessibility Services, as a part of the Academic Success Center. Students may contact the Associate Director of the Academic Success Center:
Brianna Dickens 
(413) 748-3724  
Academic Success Center, Learning Commons 

Report an Accessibility Issue: 

Students, faculty, staff, 社区成员可以使用无障碍问题表提醒学院注意与学院的任何物理或程序障碍相关的无障碍或住宿问题. Concerns communicated to the College utilizing this form will be reviewed by the Coordinator. 如有必要,协调员将确认收到并跟进收集更多信息. By alerting the College of accessibility concerns, 你正在支持学院努力确保残疾人士的物理和电子访问. 

Access the Accessibility Form

Informal Resolution: 

Individuals who believe they have experienced harassment, discriminatory treatment, 或者由于身体或发育残疾而被拒绝进入,希望参与非正式解决程序的人,应联系以下官方人员, by phone or email, who will attempt to resolve the individual’s  concern: 

For students: 

Erin Leeper
Director, Non-discrimination Initiatives/Title IX Administrator and 504 Coordinator
Flynn Campus Union, Room 228
263 Alden Street, Springfield, MA 01109-3797 

For employees and third parties: 

Human Resources
Administration Building, Room 221
263 Alden Street, Springfield, MA 01109-3797 

At this stage, the complaining party shall be designated as the “aggrieved party,,被申诉方所控告的人应被指定为“涉嫌歧视的一方”.” The aggrieved party should provide a statement, in writing, describing the nature of the accessibility issue and the desired outcome or resolution. 

该官员不会为受侵害的个人或被指控歧视的一方辩护,而是将与每一方合作,并试图非正式地解决他们之间的分歧或处理被指控的问题. 作为信息收集过程的一部分,官员可能要求受害方提供更多细节. 

Both the aggrieved party and the alleged discriminating party will be notified, in writing, of the proposed resolution, institutional plan, or outcome pertaining to the accessibility issue within fifteen (15) days. 

如果官员未能在短时间内达成令人满意的解决方案, the official will inform the parties of the aggrieved party’s right to file a formal grievance. 

Formal Grievance Procedure: 

如果个人不满意上述有关主管部门/官员提出的解决办法, the individual may choose to file a formal grievance. If the individual chooses to file a formal grievance, the following steps should be followed:

1. 个人应在他/她意识到涉嫌违规或拒绝提供住宿后的四十五(45)个日历日内提出正式申诉.  Discretion may be exercised in the event contact is made after forty-five (45) days. 

The individual shall file the grievance with the following:  

For students and third-parties: 

Erin Leeper
Director, Non-discrimination Initiatives/Title IX Administrator and 504 Coordinator
Flynn Campus Union, Room 228
263 Alden Street, Springfield, MA 01109-3797 

For employees: 

Melissa Gamba
Director of Human Resources
Administration Building, Room 221
263 Alden Street, Springfield, MA 01109-3797 

The grievance shall be in writing and include the following: 

  • The grievant’s name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
  • 对指称的歧视、骚扰或准入或住宿问题的完整描述; 
  • A description of what efforts, if any, have been made to resolve the issue informally, identifying points of contact and means of communication; and
  • A statement of the remedy requested. 

2. Within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt, the Coordinator or the Director, as applicable, 或其适用的指定人员(以下简称“申诉专员”)应阅读投诉并进行调查. In undertaking the investigation, the Grievance Officer may interview, consult with, 和/或要求申诉专员认为拥有相关信息的任何个人就申诉中提出的问题作出书面答复, including faculty, staff, and students. If necessary or requested, the Grievance Officer will hear testimony or receive written testimony from the student, relevant faculty or staff member(s), and other knowledgeable people. 投诉人有权要求他/她认为与案件有关的任何个人作证. 

3. After completing the investigation, 申诉专员应以书面形式向申诉人和所有其他相关方报告他/她的结论和建议的处理办法. 预计将在提交正式申诉后的四十五(45)个日历日内发送此信息. The deadline may be extended for good cause (e.g. reasons related to breaks in the academic calendar). The final report may also be provided, where appropriate, 向任何需要授权执行提议的处置或决定任何人事行动是否适当的学院官员提交. 

4. The disposition proposed by the Grievance Officer will be put into effect promptly. 

5. Within ten (10) calendar days of the issuance of the final report, 投诉人可就申诉专员的决定提出上诉,方法是向以下上诉专员提出书面复核请求, or his/her applicable designee:

Calvin Hill
Vice President for Inclusion and Community Engagement
Marsh Memorial Building
263 Alden Street, Springfield, MA 01109-3797

覆核的书面要求必须指明提出上诉的具体实质及/或程序根据,而且提出覆核的理由必须不是对建议的处置表示一般不满. Furthermore, 上诉只能针对正式申诉中提出的问题,或针对申诉程序本身的程序错误, and not to new issues. 

If the grievance involves a decision that is being challenged, the review by the Appeal Officer usually will be limited to the following considerations:

  • Were the proper facts and criteria brought to bear on the decision?
  • 是否采用了不适当或无关的事实或标准,从而严重影响了对申诉人不利的决定?
  • 是否存在任何程序上的违规行为,严重影响了事件的结果,损害了申诉人的利益?
  • Given the proper facts, criteria, and procedures, was the decision a reasonable one? 

6. 上诉官的书面决定的副本将在提出上诉的三十(30)个日历日内发送给双方, the Grievance Officer and, if appropriate, to the College officer whose authority will be needed to carry out the disposition. The deadline may be extended by the Appeal Officer for good cause (e.g. reasons related to breaks in the academic calendar). The decision of the Appeal Officer on the appeal is final.